In this section you will find some resources generated by our experts for their talks during the pilot workshops.
Throughout these months we have developed pilot workshops for secondary school teachers and University professors, in Spain and Italy, on the use of educational methodologies based on the values, foundations and methods of co-operative entrepreneurship, to promote the employability and lifelong learning of students.
The videos
Workshop for Secondary School teachers in Spain
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Talk with Antonio Cancelo during the first workshop session in the edition for secondary school teachers in Spain.
During our third session for secondary school teachers in Spain, we heard to Laura Ferri, expert in Co-operative entrepreneurship in Vocational Training. Get to know her here.
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Pepe Albors, who is project manager in FEVECTA; and Álvaro Oliver, teacher and member of ACES Andalucía; were the experts in charge of giving the talks during the fourth session of the workshop for secondary school teachers in Spain.
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The last session of the workshops for secondary school teachers in Spain was attended by Joan Gandía, former president of FEVECTA and currently collaborator of the ESCOOP projects; and Juan Carlos García, vice-president of ACES Andalucía.
The Slides
Workshop for secondary school teachers in Spain
SESIÓN 2 | 25 de febrero de 2021
Educación secundaria en España
«Valores y principios cooperativos en la educación»
The authors have unselfishly donated these documents to share on this page. For this reason, We ask you to take care and protect them from any improper use, other than this informative scope.
Some documents
EntreComp Framework
Are you looking forward to learning more about the EntreComp European Framework?
Here are the project documents, in different languages, so that you can get to know in greater depth the blocks, levels and specific competences that are part of the key competence in entrepreneurship.