Cooperative Entrepreneurial Education: Tools and Resources

Tools and Resources

Co-operative Entrepreneurship in Education: Tools and Resources is a short digital course oriented to teachers and education professionals across the world interested in understanding and/or introducing entrepreneurial education using the co-operative perspective.


The COVID-19 pandemic is having a tremendous impact on our society, our economy and our teaching methods. Cooperatives are proven to be resilient business models fostering high levels of innovation and creating stable jobs. With deep links to local communities, they are key actors in contributing to all seventeen of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and in fostering an economy for the common good.

Why join the MOOC?

The course will teach you new methodologies and fill your backpack with resources, materials and tools to integrate cooperative entrepreneurship concepts, skills and real experiences in your classroom.

8 hours of free training.
Accredited diploma

Multilingual materials available in English, Italian and Spanish

Flexible timing.
At your own pace

No prior knowledge

For whom?

Higher Education Educators

Secondary Education Educators




YOUCOOPE MOOC - Introduction

Learn how to use and get the most out of this MOOC, and understand what is expected of you!

The ABCs of Co-operatives

In this module you will learn about the key principles and values attached to co-operatives. You will also understand where co-operatives fit in the
broader socio-economic landscape, and in patticular the social economy.

Why include Co-operatives into entrepreneurial education?

Through this module, you will learn about broader entrepreneurial education and its link to co-operative entrepreneurship. You will get to know the EntreComp Framework and get familiar with the competences needed for co-operative members.

What are the principles to introducing co-operatives entrepreneurial learning?

In this module, you will learn about the key principles of co-operatives entrepreneurial education and how to apply them in your teaching/training
context. You will also learn about the impact of bringing real-life cooperatives into your classroom.

What can I do in my classroom?

In this module, you will get ideas on how to embed co-operatives entrepreneurial education in your day-to-day teaching. You will get inspired by
existing practices and will get a chance to reflect and come up with innovative ideas for classroom practices within your own context!

What's next?

In this module we'll provide you with the means to continue learning more about the topic after the MOOc and expand your networks.

Final assignment

Exercise to implement in your classroom/with your colleagues/your peers/trainees and provide with the feedback/result.

online platform


The course will be available on a Moodle platform, which will ensure its proper development and success.


 It is used both for Open Mass Online Courses (MOOC) and various educational uses for different formal and non-formal academic levels, from Secondary, Higher or Advanced Training Programmes to Specialisation Courses.


IMPORTANT: Note that this course is now self-managed and no feedback on the final task will be provided.